Arctic Cold Caps Can Save Your Hair

Scalp cooling caps are an option that is often effective in minimizing hair loss.

Learn more about your options: (877) 234-1688.

Although not new, the technology has improved, along with its tolerance and efficacy. Cold Caps have been used successfully in many parts of the world. At Arctic Cold Caps, we have developed an all-inclusive treatment system that can help reduce hair loss.

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How Arctic Cold Caps Work

The principle that is associated with the reduction and elimination of hair loss is called vaso-constriction. Essentially, this involves the use of super-cooled caps to constrict blood vessels in your scalp, thereby protecting your hair from damage.

The cold caps which are filled with a soft gel are kept frozen with dry ice until just before use (Dry ice is not included and must be purchased by customer.  If customer needs help locating dry ice, our staff would be happy to help).  At Arctic Cold Caps, we have simplified the system so that it can be administered easily and effectively to provide the best chances of success.

Arctic Cold Caps Solutions

We offer you everything you need to get started quickly and easily. We have put together the most affordable and comprehensive cold cap program in order to make this process as convenient as possible.

CALL NOW: (877) 234-1688


The Arctic Cold Cap System Includes:

• 8 Arctic Cold Caps
• Cooler on Wheels
• Lycra Outer Cap
• Infrared Digital Thermometer
• Moleskin and Liners
• 3 Velcro Straps
• Gloves
• Timer
• Ear protection Liners
• Loose Tooth Comb
• Satin Pillow Case
• Hair band
• Canvas Bag
• Detailed Instructions
• Help Line
